Alles see oli kui ühel mehel tuli hea mõte kirjata rahvarõivamuster Hiinas valmistatud tennisele ning neid Eestis rahvuspapu nime all müüma hakata. Ilma igasuguse reklaamita müüvad papud nagu soojad saiad, olles siinmail tekitanud tõelise tormi.
Veidi rohkem aega tagasi tuli ühel teisel mehel pähe Põhjala keelte najal arendada välja väljamõeldud keel, mida ühes kolmeosalises kirjandusteoses kõnelesid haldjad. Seesama triloogia ühes oma haldjakeelega on juba pool sajandit üle terve maailma aina uutes põlvkondades laineid tekitanud ja küllap tekitab edaspidigi.
Mis on mõlemal mehel ühist? Nad põimisid ühte uut ja vana, saades kokku sootuks muud. Midagi sellist, mida võiks nimetada omamoodi revolutsiooniks.
Uppsar on samasugune. Me austame vana aga põimime sinna juurde uut. Hoiame meeled avali, et meisse saaksid imbuda kõik head mõtted! Just kõik mõtted, mitte pelgalt tantsulised!
Nii asume me omi laineid tekitama. Alul meis endis ja siis meie ümber.
Kohtumiseni tantsuilmas!
Raido Bergstein
Annika Aavik
Märt Agu
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Not long ago a man came up with an idea to produce in China designer sneakers inspired by Estonian national costume patterns and sell them under the brand name “Estonian National Booties”. Without any advertisement these booties became a real hit and created a real storm in this part of the world.
Some more time ago another man came up with an idea to create a fictional language inspired by Norse languages, which is spoken by Elves in a three volume novel. This trilogy with its elvish language has created waves all over the world for half a century in all generations and will surely continue to do so in the future.
What do these two men have in common? They entwined together old and new, so creating something completely different. Something so unique, it may be even called revolutionary.
Uppsar is as different. We honor the old way, but we interlace it with new. We keep our minds open, so we could be imbued with all the great ideas! Pointedly all ideas, not only those related to dance!
Thus we set out to create our own waves. At first in ourselves and then all around us.
See You in the world of dance!
Raido Bergstein
Annika Aavik
Märt Agu
Uppsar on samasugune. Me austame vana aga põimime sinna juurde uut. Hoiame meeled avali, et meisse saaksid imbuda kõik head mõtted! Just kõik mõtted, mitte pelgalt tantsulised!
Nii asume me omi laineid tekitama. Alul meis endis ja siis meie ümber.
Kohtumiseni tantsuilmas!
Raido Bergstein
Annika Aavik
Märt Agu
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Not long ago a man came up with an idea to produce in China designer sneakers inspired by Estonian national costume patterns and sell them under the brand name “Estonian National Booties”. Without any advertisement these booties became a real hit and created a real storm in this part of the world.
Some more time ago another man came up with an idea to create a fictional language inspired by Norse languages, which is spoken by Elves in a three volume novel. This trilogy with its elvish language has created waves all over the world for half a century in all generations and will surely continue to do so in the future.
What do these two men have in common? They entwined together old and new, so creating something completely different. Something so unique, it may be even called revolutionary.
Uppsar is as different. We honor the old way, but we interlace it with new. We keep our minds open, so we could be imbued with all the great ideas! Pointedly all ideas, not only those related to dance!
Thus we set out to create our own waves. At first in ourselves and then all around us.
See You in the world of dance!
Raido Bergstein
Annika Aavik
Märt Agu