Uppsar otsustas ennast filmi sisse panna. Tantsijad veeresid Eesti Vabaõhumuuseumi Kolu kõrtsi ning tantsisid ette suurema osa meie repertuaarist. Väike valik on allpool treileris näha. Kindlasti avaldame mõned tantsud tulevikus blogis, nii et põhjust www.uppsar.blogspot.com oma veebilehitseja lemmikutesse salvestada on enam kui küllaga!
Raske ja lõbus oli! Hommikul kella 11st kuni õhtul 20ni tantsida ongi.. raske ja lõbus ühekorraga!
Energiat meie tantsijatel jagub ning varbad said lisaks raudvarale valgeks ka noored Kadri ja Juhan.
Ma loodan, et keegi solvu, et ma ´raudvara´ ütlen. Uppsar on nii kerge jalaga ja lahe tantsu-ilma loksutaja ning see tähendab, et noortel on oi-oi kui palju õppida. Aga nad on nii vahvad ja andekad noored, et teevad sealjuures näo, et kõik tuleb marulihtsalt. Juhan muideks teeb lavadebüüdi meiega 26. novembril! Tule kaasa elama!
Hääd tantsu - nautlemist!
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Uppsar decided to can itself and make a movie clip. Thus the dancers rolled to Kolu Inn in Estonian Open Air Museum and performed most of our repertoire. A short sneak-peak trailer is provided below. We’ll definitely publish some of the dances wholly in the future here, so there is more than enough reason now to add www.uppsar.blogspot.com to Your browsers favorites!
Filming was tough and fun! To dance from 11 o’clock in the morning ‘til 20 o’clock in the evening is.. tough and fun at the same time!
Our dancers are clearly full of energy and next to our veterans, our youngsters Kadri and Juhan also put their best feet forward.
Hopefully no one is offended that I use the term “veteran”. Uppsar is really light footed and a cool mover of the world of dance and this means that youngsters have oh, so much to learn. But they’re really great and talented and they make everything seem so very easy! Juhan, by the way, does his stage debut with us on November 26th! Come and see for yourself!
Raske ja lõbus oli! Hommikul kella 11st kuni õhtul 20ni tantsida ongi.. raske ja lõbus ühekorraga!
Energiat meie tantsijatel jagub ning varbad said lisaks raudvarale valgeks ka noored Kadri ja Juhan.
Ma loodan, et keegi solvu, et ma ´raudvara´ ütlen. Uppsar on nii kerge jalaga ja lahe tantsu-ilma loksutaja ning see tähendab, et noortel on oi-oi kui palju õppida. Aga nad on nii vahvad ja andekad noored, et teevad sealjuures näo, et kõik tuleb marulihtsalt. Juhan muideks teeb lavadebüüdi meiega 26. novembril! Tule kaasa elama!
Hääd tantsu - nautlemist!
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Uppsar decided to can itself and make a movie clip. Thus the dancers rolled to Kolu Inn in Estonian Open Air Museum and performed most of our repertoire. A short sneak-peak trailer is provided below. We’ll definitely publish some of the dances wholly in the future here, so there is more than enough reason now to add www.uppsar.blogspot.com to Your browsers favorites!
Filming was tough and fun! To dance from 11 o’clock in the morning ‘til 20 o’clock in the evening is.. tough and fun at the same time!
Our dancers are clearly full of energy and next to our veterans, our youngsters Kadri and Juhan also put their best feet forward.
Hopefully no one is offended that I use the term “veteran”. Uppsar is really light footed and a cool mover of the world of dance and this means that youngsters have oh, so much to learn. But they’re really great and talented and they make everything seem so very easy! Juhan, by the way, does his stage debut with us on November 26th! Come and see for yourself!
Have a nice dance – enjoyment!