Osta pilet siit: Piletilevi: Tsuumi Tantsuteater + Uppsar
Uppsari prooviruumi on märkamatult vallutanud kevadised meeleolud. Toomaks trennisaali värsket hingamist on Märt Agu ja Eneli Rüütli kunstilisel juhtimisel tegutsev Uppsar otsustanud põhjanaabrite poole pöörduda ja külla kutsuda peamiselt Helsingis tegutseva Tsuumi Tantsuteatri.
Projekt, millega Tsuumi lavalaudu vallutama tuleb, kannab nime TSIP. Kesksel kohal on improvisatsioon, mis tähendab, et iga etendus on ainulaadne, iga hetk laval esmakordne. Vaataja kogeb midagi enneolematut, mis saab nähtava sisu ja vormi kaasaegse folktantsu ja traditsioonilise muusika tunnetuslikul kombineerimisel. Etendus sünnib vaataja silme ees, mis annab võimaluse olla osaks unikaalsest loomeprotsessist.
Uuenduslik ja päidpööritav aktsioon leiab aset laupäeval, 28.aprillil 2012. Päev algab Uppsari tantsijatele mõeldud workshopiga, ning jätkub õhtul kell 19:00 juba kõigile avatud etendusega. Tallinna Tantsuakadeemias aset leidva etenduse piletid on müügil Piletilevis. Tantsu- ja muusikaküllane päev saab mõnusa lõpu varaste hommikutundideni kestva jämmiga.
TSIP hõlmab üle 20 professionaalse muusiku ja tantsija, kellest Tallinnas astuvad tantsijatena üles Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Hanna Korhonen, Salla Korja-Paloniemi ja Samuli Nordberg ning muusikalise poole eest vastutavad Ilkka Heinonen ja Jarno Tastula.
Sündmusel saab silma peal hoida nii Uppsari blogi kui ka Uppsari Facebook´i lehekülge külastades.
Toetajad: Helsingi Linnavalitsus, Eesti Kultuurkapital.
Lisainfo: Raido Bergstein +372 56 454 888
***** ***** *****
Buy your ticket here: Piletilevi: Tsuumi Dance Theatre + Uppsar
Quite unnoticeably the rehearsal room of Uppsar has been overtaken by spring moods. To keep the spirit and bring new freshness to the rehearsal room, Uppsar- artistically supervised by Märt Agu and Eneli Rüütli, decided to invite for a visit Tsuumi Dance Theatre, that resides mainly in Helsinki, Finland.
Project, with which Tsuumi comes to conquer the stages, is called TSIP. The show is best described with the word improvisation. This means that every performance is unique, every movement in the performance novel. The audience will experience something extraordinary that is created through mixing contemporary folk dance and traditional music in unexpected and creative ways. The performance is created in front of the spectators giving everyone a chance to participate in a unique creation process.
This novel and dazzling performance can be enjoyed on Saturday, April 28, 2012. The day begins with a workshop for the dancers of Uppsar and continues at 19:00 with a wonderful performance for everyone to see and enjoy. The show takes place at the Tallinn Dance Academy and the tickets will be available from the beginning of April in Piletilevi. The day filled with dance and music will end with a jam that last until the early hours of the next day.
TSIP consists of over 20 professional dancers and musicians, from whom in Tallinn will perform dancers Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Hanna Korhonen, Salla Korja-Paloniemi and Samuli Nordberg. Ilkka Heinonen and Jarno Tastula will be responsible for music.
You can keep up with the project through the current Uppsar blog and by visting our Facebook page.
Supported by: Helsinki City Council, Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Additional information: Raido Bergstein +372 56 454 888
Uuenduslik ja päidpööritav aktsioon leiab aset laupäeval, 28.aprillil 2012. Päev algab Uppsari tantsijatele mõeldud workshopiga, ning jätkub õhtul kell 19:00 juba kõigile avatud etendusega. Tallinna Tantsuakadeemias aset leidva etenduse piletid on müügil Piletilevis. Tantsu- ja muusikaküllane päev saab mõnusa lõpu varaste hommikutundideni kestva jämmiga.
TSIP hõlmab üle 20 professionaalse muusiku ja tantsija, kellest Tallinnas astuvad tantsijatena üles Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Hanna Korhonen, Salla Korja-Paloniemi ja Samuli Nordberg ning muusikalise poole eest vastutavad Ilkka Heinonen ja Jarno Tastula.
Sündmusel saab silma peal hoida nii Uppsari blogi kui ka Uppsari Facebook´i lehekülge külastades.
Toetajad: Helsingi Linnavalitsus, Eesti Kultuurkapital.
Lisainfo: Raido Bergstein +372 56 454 888
***** ***** *****
Buy your ticket here: Piletilevi: Tsuumi Dance Theatre + Uppsar
Quite unnoticeably the rehearsal room of Uppsar has been overtaken by spring moods. To keep the spirit and bring new freshness to the rehearsal room, Uppsar- artistically supervised by Märt Agu and Eneli Rüütli, decided to invite for a visit Tsuumi Dance Theatre, that resides mainly in Helsinki, Finland.
Project, with which Tsuumi comes to conquer the stages, is called TSIP. The show is best described with the word improvisation. This means that every performance is unique, every movement in the performance novel. The audience will experience something extraordinary that is created through mixing contemporary folk dance and traditional music in unexpected and creative ways. The performance is created in front of the spectators giving everyone a chance to participate in a unique creation process.
This novel and dazzling performance can be enjoyed on Saturday, April 28, 2012. The day begins with a workshop for the dancers of Uppsar and continues at 19:00 with a wonderful performance for everyone to see and enjoy. The show takes place at the Tallinn Dance Academy and the tickets will be available from the beginning of April in Piletilevi. The day filled with dance and music will end with a jam that last until the early hours of the next day.
TSIP consists of over 20 professional dancers and musicians, from whom in Tallinn will perform dancers Reetta-Kaisa Iles, Hanna Korhonen, Salla Korja-Paloniemi and Samuli Nordberg. Ilkka Heinonen and Jarno Tastula will be responsible for music.
You can keep up with the project through the current Uppsar blog and by visting our Facebook page.
Supported by: Helsinki City Council, Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Additional information: Raido Bergstein +372 56 454 888